25401 Cabot Rd, Ste 211
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
How can we help? Please contact us today!
Our most valuable asset is our integrity. Without trust, regardless of how intelligent an advisor is, you will never have total comfort. At eobm, our number one priority is to help bring you total peace-of-mind. When you can sleep better at night knowing that you have someone you can trust on your team, we consider our efforts a success.
We are independent from your investment advisors and other financial professionals in your life; therefore, we are not influenced by any outside incentives when advising our clients. At eobm, you can rest assured that the monthly reporting and consulting advice you get from us is solely an evidence-based assessment of your true financial picture and what is financially best for you and your family.
We have experts in the fields of business consulting, income tax planning and preparation, investment monitoring, employee management, bookkeeping, charitable giving and estate planning. At eobm, we bring a comprehensive group of efficiency strategists to you to create a simple, organized financial framework that empowers you to make informed decisions about your money.